
Name: Finch
Moniker: 4GNZ
Sex: Male
Age at export: 25:46
Mother: Unova
Father: Fandom
Generation: Fourth

Finch is part Pixie Norn(breed slot 1) and part Banana Norn(breed slot 0). I'll admit he's named after Harold Finch from a television series called Person of Interest. Finch is quite a kind Norn.


Finch has five mutations, and only two of them are inherited.

Original gene:
1 Emb B MutDup 130 255

Mutated gene:
1 Emb B MutDup 130 247

All this did was change the half-life of an unused chemical.

Original gene:
50 Emb B MutDupCut  Creature, Drive Levels Sleepiness, chem=Sleepiness, thresh=0, nom=0, gain=255, features=Analogue

Inherited gene:
50 Emb B MutDupCut  Creature, Drive Levels Sleepiness, chem=Sleepiness, thresh=0, nom=0, gain=255, features=Inverted Analogue

This gene is inherited from Unova; I think it means that the sleepiness chemical actually decreases the sleepiness drive.

Original gene:
120 Emb B MutDup  Lobe #= 6 Loss State Rule: chem2 <end> <end> <end> <end> <end> <end> <end>, Loss= 5

Mutated gene:
120 Emb B MutDup  Lobe #= 6 Loss State Rule: chem2 <end> <end> <end> <end> <end> <end> <end>, Loss= 1

I'm afraid this is too far beyond me for me to even make a guess at what it does.

Original gene:
103 Emb B Mut  'I've Activated1' causes sig=0 GS neu=255 int=0,,, => 3*Tiredness++ + 16*Boredom-- + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>

Inherited gene:
103 Emb B Mut  'I've Activated1' causes sig=0 GS neu=254 int=0,,, => 3*Tiredness++ + 16*Boredom-- + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>

This is inherited from Fandom, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't even do anything.

Original gene:
304 Emb B MutDupCut Drive i/ps Crowdedness + General Sensory i/ps IT is a creature + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I run => 255*Reward

Mutated gene:
304 Emb B MutDupCut Drive i/ps Crowdedness + General Sensory i/ps IT is a creature + Stim source i/ps Self and I run => 255*Reward

This is an instinct that has mutated. What has happened is that an extra condition - stim source self - has been added. I'm not completely certain but I think this means that the instinct is encouraging him to run when he feels crowded, there is at least one other creature nearby, and Finch is the most stimulating thing nearby (thanks to Chris Double's site for help with that). Which is unlikely if he's surrounded by other Norns. This is a pretty useless gene; a  potential side effect of this might be that Finch might not have formed the concept of running away to avoid overcrowding quite as well as other Norns do.

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