
Name: Asper
Moniker: 8HMO
Sex: Female
Generation: First

Asper is a Cheri Norn (breed slot 9, download here). She was my first Norn that I tried to genetically engineer and as a result not all her genes are well thought out. She's dead now, but she was always a happy Norn and had a tendency to follow the hand around because of her genetics.


See this page for a full discussion of her genetics. The section below is pasted from the post:

Original gene:
91 Emb B Mut  'Pointer pats me' causes sig=32 GS neu=0(I've been patted) int=255,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 64*NFP-- + 16*Pain-- + 16*Loneliness-- + 16*Reward

Edited gene:
91 Emb B Mut  'Pointer pats me' causes sig=32 GS neu=0(I've been patted) int=255,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 64*NFP-- + 16*Pain-- + 16*Loneliness-- + 51*Reward

Original gene:
135 Emb B MutDupCut Drive i/ps Tiredness + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I rest => 93*Reward

Edited gene:
135 Emb B MutDupCut Drive i/ps Tiredness + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I rest => 155*Reward

The first gene is the stimulus for being patted by the hand and the second is an instinct gene that encourages the Norn to sleep when it is tired (note that it's tired, not sleepy, they're different drives). The only thing I've changed in these genes is that I've increased the amount of reward Asper gets.

Original gene:
93 Emb B Mut  'Pointer slaps me' causes sig=32 GS neu=1(I've been slapped) int=255,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 75*Pain++ + 32*Fear++ + 16*Anger++ + 16*Sleepiness--

Edited gene:
93 Emb B Mut  'Pointer slaps me' causes sig=255 GS neu=1(I've been slapped) int=255,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 75*Pain++ + 32*Fear++ + 16*Anger++ + 105*Punishment

This gene is the stimulus for when Asper is slapped by the hand. There are two changes here: sleepiness decrease has been replaced with punishment, and the significance is 255 instead of 32.

Original gene:
97 Emb B Mut  'I bump into a wall' causes sig=0 GS neu=2(I've bumped a wall) int=255,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 25*Pain++ + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>

Edited gene:
97 Emb B Mut  'I bump into a wall' causes sig=116 GS neu=2(I've bumped a wall) int=255,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 25*Pain++ + 10*Punishment + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>

This is the stimulus gene for bumping into a wall. The change is that I've added punishment to it and increased the significance. I think this was an attempt to dissuade her from wallbonking.

Original gene:
99 Emb B Mut  'Unrecognised word' causes sig=16 GS neu=8(Audible event) int=128,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>

Edited gene:
99 Emb B Mut  'Unrecognised word' causes sig=67 GS neu=8(Audible event) int=128,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 62*conASH + 24*decASH1 + 22*decASH2 + 0*<NONE>

This is the stimulus gene for when the Norn hears an unrecognised word. Usually all it does is make the sound of an unrecognised word stimulating, but here I've bumped up how stimulating it is and put in three chemicals that it will also add to Asper when she hears an unrecognised word: conASh, decASH1, and decASH2. I think I put these in because I saw them being described as related to learning somewhere, even though I didn't know then (and still don't properly understand now) what these chemicals actually do.

Original gene:
102 Emb B Mut  'I am quiescent' causes sig=0 GS neu=255 int=0,,, => 8*Boredom++ + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>

Edited gene:
102 Emb B Mut  'I am quiescent' causes sig=0 GS neu=255 int=0,,, => 8*Boredom++ 10*Tiredness-- + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>

This gene is the stimulus for when the Norn is quiescent - in other words, doing nothing. The change here is that I've put tiredness decrease on it, which I think I put in to help stop Asper becoming tired when she wasn't sleepy enough to actually get some rest.

Original gene:
100 Emb B Mut  'Heard user speak' causes sig=16 GS neu=5(User has spoken) int=255,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 32*Boredom-- + 16*Lonliness-- + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>

Edited gene:
100 Emb B Mut  'Heard user speak' causes sig=255 GS neu=5(User has spoken) int=255,,, Sensed Even When Asleep => 32*Boredom-- + 16*Lonliness-- + 0*<NONE> + 0*<NONE>

This gene is one of the most noticeable changes, although it might seem tiny. This gene is the stimulus gene for when the hand speaks and what it does is give the event some significance and injects the creature with a couple of chemicals. The change I have made is increasing the significance to the maximum. The idea behind this was to get Asper to listen to what I was saying, but what it actually did was make it so that she couldn't resist staring at the hand whenever I spoke. It was still mildly helpful in getting her to eat, though: whenever I spoke she'd look at and then follow the hand, which allowed me to lead her away from other Norns which removed the distractions and made it easier to feed her.

New gene:
321 Emb B Mut Verb i/ps Right + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Left => 255*Punishment

New gene:
322 Emb B Mut Verb i/ps Left + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Right => 255*Punishment

Finally, these are two completely new instinct genes. What they do is encourage Asper not to go left if I ask her to go right (first gene) and not to go right if I ask her to go left (second gene). Really I don't think these were very useful and I'm not sure why I put them in in the first place.

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